Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Updates for you

There is Stardoll Academy year 2 apparently, but I will clarify later.


So I'm working on an extension for Google Chrome. A Stardoll Vine one and a normal Stardoll one.

Google Chrome is a really fast browser available for any PC whatsoever. I really recommend it!
The extension is basically a little icon with a pop out of the site you love.

Stay tuned for it!
-Katlin :P

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

New from Fallen Angel

Hey all!

There's a few new stuff released from Fallen Angel and You should definately check them out!
Here they are with their prices labelled:

So those are the new stuff! And I guess you can agree they are reaonably priced and ame old Fallen Angel - Black and Red!

I looked at the stuff a little and I made outfits out from them (everything from Fallen Angel)

What am I wearing?
New - plaid Jeans: 7sd
New - Black cut out sweater: 8sd
New - High laced up boots: 9sd

I love this outfit! - The legging are gorg' :P
Here's what I'm wearing:
New - Pleather dress: 10sd
New - Fallen Angel leggings - 5sd
New - Laced leather boots - 6sd


Hope you like my compositions! And if you're looking to compose something similar but cheaper, I recommend the following shops:
 - basics
- Rio
- Nelly.com

Hope this helped!


A new doll has been released:

*only available for superstars at the moment but will be free for all later on!

My favourite picks from the dress up:

Who is Elizabeth Olsen?

Elizabeth Chase "Lizzie" Olsen is an American actress and singer. She's best known for her roles in the films Martha Marcy May Marlene, Silent House and Liberal Arts. Wikipedia
BornFebruary 16, 1989 (age 23), Sherman Oaks
Height1.70 m

{sources: Google,Wikipedia}

Dress her up now!
Click here

New Dot as you may know has also been released!
Here's a preview of the new Red and Pink make-up:

I composed some crazy neon makeovers with the new Dot make-up so here's what I did and what I used:
I gave some bad titles because I think they're outrageous and somewhat ugly, but I'm sure there's a few bits you can pick out from them as I tried to only use the new products:

Ridiculous Rainbow
CandyGreen Volume Mascarra - 3sd
Blue heavan Lip pencil - 10sd
Orange winter Lipstick - 8sd
Pink Rose Shadow - 6sd

Yucky Yellow
Sunny yellow Eyeliner - 4sd
Sunny yellow shadestick - 9sd
Sunny yellow eye pencil - 4sd
Sunny yellow Eyeshadow - 6sd
Sunny yellow VolumeMascarra - 3sd
Sunny yellow lipstick - 8sd

 Pristine purple
Pink Rose lip pencil - 10sd
Plum lipstick - 8sd
Pink Rose VolumeMascarra - 3sd

They may be wack but stardoll is about being creative!
Grab some of the new Dot and experiment!
Hope these inspired you a little :)

Koleen-kate. xo'

Friday, 4 January 2013

Cracked up

Its not very often on stardoll you demmand then you get...

see you soon!

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Fashion show polava

I threw a fashion show for the first time in ages.
The two girls in the middle come in pair as Mary Kate and Ashley.
loud_singing is a mature woman who takes compliments and insults very seriously.
the other girl is a stardoll member..

Enjoy watching and check out our funny captures! 

this is the photo shoot!
rashidi ran away, loud_singing was ..upset and hid in the corner

Kate - xo


Don't you just hate it when someone pops up randomly in another language?
I tell them English so they take a hint...
Looks like someone did!

Another Quote for you guys!

Just captured this annoying conversation from a while ago.
I have definately mastered how to say 'no' now.
white = me

First Quote

Do you like it?
Tick your opinion below the quote! [ you don't have to be logged in ]

GREAT new feature coming to Stardoll Vine!

So we're going to start this thing where I post funny/stupid/cute quotes and things about stardoll.
I will post them in normal posts, but if you want to view them all I am adding a button to the side bar >>
I just thought of the idea 'cos I love Tumblr and reading quotes is typical me all day :P

I'm letting you guys show us your pictures! Just go to that link in the sidebar (should be up soon - we are going to try and make a graphic for it :)) I will post when we're ready!

Make sure you scroll down VVVVV
I have been doing a lot of posting and i've posted a few freebies for you guys.
There will also be a link in the side bar for freebies :D

Can't wait to get to it!

Seeyou! :) -kate'xo